Wellcome to the Toyama International Academy Website!



Please be sure to contact us prior to applying.

Application conditions

Applicants must be 18 years old or older; have graduated from a high school or equivalent institution (have acquired at least 12 years of education) in a country other than Japan; and have graduated no more than 5 years before applying.

Applicants must be willing to learn and have specific goals such as entering a Japanese university etc.

Applicants must have sufficient resources to pay for tuition and living expenses. (Proof required.)

Applicants must have passed at least one level of the JLPT, J-Test, NAT-Test or another trusted test of the Japanese language.

・ Learning, living, and observing laws, rules, and manners
・ Being able to live independently

※General visas for students are not available to technical intern trainees.

Necessary documents

The applicant must prepare...
1. an application for entrance (with one photograph)
2. a curriculum vitae (with one photograph)
3. 6 additional photographs (3cm×4cm) taken within the last three months and with your name written on the back of each
4. a certificate of graduation or the original diploma from your most recent academic institution
(a certificate of expected graduation or student registration is also acceptable)
5. passing certificate from a trusted test of the Japanese language.
6. a certificate of employment (only in cases where the applicant is an employee)
7. a photocopy of your passport

Chinese students must also submit...
8. a photocopy of your Chinese family register
9. a certificate of resident status

The financial supporter must prepare...

Case A. Expenses paid by the applicant:
Bank account balance statement in the applicant’s name (with sufficient balance in Japanese Yen or US Dollars for school and living expenses)
Certificate of employment and income (only in cases where the applicant is an employee)
Documents certifying income and deposits in the past three years

Case B. Expenses paid by a person who lives in a foreign country:
Prescribed form for statement of financial support filled out by the supporter
Documents certifying the personal relationship between the applicant and the supporter
Bank account balance statement in the supporter’s name (with sufficient balance in Japanese Yen or US Dollars for the applicant’s school and living expenses)
Certificate of income
Documents certifying the income and deposits in the past three years

Case C. Expenses paid by a person who lives in Japan:
Prescribed form for statement of financial support filled out by the supporter
Certificate of tax (and annual income) of the supporter
Certificate of residence with the names of family members
Documents certifying the personal relationship between the applicant and the supporter

 Documents filled out by the applicant or the supporter must be written clearly.
Certificates and documents submitted must have been issued in the last three months.
Certificates and documents must be submitted without incompleteness, inaccuracy or falsity.
(Such cases must void the admission.)
In general the submitted certificates and documents are not returned. If you need the certificates and documents returned, let us know about that in advance.
Japanese translation must be attached to the certificates and the documents that are written in foreign languages.


1. Inquiry
Application begins...
For entering in April: from around September in the previous year
For entering in October: from around April in the same year
2. Submitting certificates and documents with the examination fee (\21,600)
3. Certificate of eligibility is issued by Immigration Bureau of Japan
Applicants planning to enter in April: in the beginning of March
Applicants planning to enter in September: in the beginning of August
4. Payment of school expenses for the first year
5. Delivering the certificate of eligibility and the letter of acceptance
6. Issuing of the Visa for students at the Japanese Embassy or the Japanese consulate office in your country
7. Entrance into Japan

School Expense

1st year enrolled in April 1st year enrolled in October April admission 2nd year October admission 2nd year
enrollment fee
tuition fee
\660,000+textbook fee\33,000
\660,000+textbook fee\33,000
\660,000+textbook fee\33,000
\330,000+textbook fee\16,500
International student insurance premium
Amount including tax
Tuition fee includes and extracurricular activity fee

Tuition Refund Regulations When Declining Enrollment or Withdrawing Midway

*If you withdraw from the school after paying the tuition fee, all expenses other than the admission fee will be refunded.

*If you drop out of school due to unavoidable circumstances, we will refund 80% of the tuition fee for the month you did not study.

Application for admission

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